We offer spot cash for trainers, sneakers, basketball shoes, and other kicks.
We accept top brands like Adidas, Nike, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Gucci, Valentino, etc.
Models like Adidas Yeezy Boost V1 and V2, Nike Yeezy, Louis Vuitton X Supreme, Louis Vuitton X Kanye West, Louis Vuitton sneakers, Gucci Ace, Balenciaga Arena, Valentino runners are given top appraisals.
We have extensive knowledge of the top brands and models to ensure that we can properly appraise your shoes and give the maximum value it deserves.
Highest Appraisal with the Lowest Interest.
Cash is released within minutes. Guaranteed.
All items are sealed for a tamper-proof transaction.
**Please note that we are not affiliated with any of the designers, brands, or manufacturers that are mentioned or pictured in this webpage. All trademarks, brand names, and logos mentioned are used for identification purposes only and are registered trademarks of their respective owners who reserve the rights of ownership.